Thursday, August 12, 2010

Berries and Salmon

I was a little apprehensive after ready the reviews here and online. So I decided to not use the balsamic vinegar. I subsituted a squeeze of honey, some lemon juice and a dash of cayenne pepper to kick it up a bit.

Everyone hanging out in the pot getting ready to be mashed and the sauce simmering.

We had a delay in cooking since the propane decided to run out. So while Barry ran for a refill I did the dishes.

All done! To serve along side I grilled red potatoes coated with honey, mustard and hot sauce. Yum!

I found the sauce was a nice compliment to the salmon. The sauce on it's own was not as sweet as I imagined it would be. However, the salmon brought out the sweetness somehow. I only made 2 filets, so I had some leftover sauce that I froze. I am curious to try it with pork and even turkey.

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