Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Burger Goodness!

I just need to start with a sidenote and say that I have yet to try a weekly recipe that I didn't like! This week's recipe was no different. The cucumber salad was awesome--I didn't measure so it was super lemony, but that balanced perfectly with the mint and the whole dressing was wonderfully creamy. Next time, I might try it with greek yogurt though instead of mayo which I think might thicken it a bit and add a little more tanginess. I also think this is a great, easy potluck salad--especially if I throw in just a little red onion!
I pretty much followed the recipe for the burgers on this one, except I didn't measure anything--I tend to just eyeball things. The only changes I made were that I used fresh garlic rather than dried and I mixed dry parsley with fresh cilantro because I didn't have any fresh parsley on hand and the combo was good. We also skipped the mini-burger part and just went ahead and made regular sized burgers. The burgers were great, though I think I overmixed them and then Ed over-grilled them a little because they were a little dry. This would have ruined a regular burger for me, but it didn't ruin these and the yummy cucumber salad made up for the missing juiciness in my burger. Ed liked them too, though he just had them on a regular roll and he said he would have liked me to add a little more spice to the meat, but it is always great when I get a thumbs up from the world's pickiest eater! We served them with corn on the cob, the rest of the salad, and some oven roasted potatoes...delicious!

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